Monday, December 15, 2008

Well it is starting to look like a winter wonderland outside! PLEASE make sure your children are dressed appropriately for the weather. Long sleeves, pants, jackets, and socks are better then capris and shorts! Many of the students in class are out sick and I don't want the rest of them to get sick and not be able to enjoy their vacation!

On a warmer note...we are having our class party on Friday to celebrate the holidays and all our hard work. Thank you to all the parents who offered to donate to it, we really appreciate it.

There will not be a post for the next two weeks due to vacation, so I will see you in the new year (Jan. 5)! Have a happy, healthy, and safe holiday vacation!!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

On Friday December, 12 there is going to be a Jingle Bell Run at school. Mile measures will be going home today so that you can keep track of the miles that your child has walked. These will help us reach our goal. Parents are welcome to walk on Friday as well.

We will be having a test in Math on Monday so please make sure you look over some of the work we have done in class.

I am still waiting for permission slips from parents. Please send them back whether or not you want your child's picture to be posted.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving break. Hopefully we are all rested and ready to get back on track. For the next couple of weeks the school will be collecting money for Coins for Kids. It is put on by the local radio station and helps families to buy presents for Christmas. If you would like to donate their is a box right outside the main office, any amount is a great help.

This week in math we are starting Topic 11, Investigating 4-Digit numbers. Please note that some of the homework in math is review. We will not be doing a book report this month because of how short it is, but please keep reading every night with your kids.

I am still waiting for permission slips to post pictures on our blog, please send them in as soon as possible.